Founded in 1973, Jiangsu Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Group Corp, (abbreviated as JCOF) has earned an accumulated total exportation value of USD 5 billion. We have been ranked for 10 consecutive years as one ofthe top 200 corporations with the largest exportation and one of the top 500 corporations with the largest exportation and importation combined in China. With the largest exportation of agricultural products in Jiangsu Province, our company has established worldwide business relationships with customers in more than 100 countries and areas. We have solely founded refrigeration processing factories and large transit refrigerating warehouses, and have established planting bases for green and organic food.
JCOF handles over 500 pieces of merchandise, which fall into 15 categories. The major products include rice, forage, canned food, seafood, beans, fresh and frozen vegetables, dehydrated and salted vegetables, meat and poultry, livestock and condiments. In recent years, JCOF has expanded its product line to some non-food-related commodities, such as electronic instruments, apparel and medicine.
江苏省粮油食品进岀口集团股份有限公司(Jiangsu Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Group Corp.)成立于1973年,是专业经营农副产品进岀口贸易的国有控股企业。三十多年来,持续创 新,不断发展,在江苏省农产品进岀口企业中长期名列前茅。
公司下辖多个生产加工企业和拥有铁路专用线的万吨级冷藏中转仓库及各类有机、绿色、无公害食品 种植生产基地。现经营的主要商品有:粮谷、杂豆、饲料、油脂类;畜禽肉食、蛋品类;水海产品类; 保鲜冷冻蔬菜类;罐头类;杂品、调味品类以及轻工工艺、五金工具、纺织服装、化工医药等一千余 种,许多商品的岀口份额在全省乃至全国均处于领先地位。近年来,公司还扩大了进口贸易,进口的 芝麻、绿豌豆、橄榄油、猪副产品、纸浆、纺织机械、废旧五金等在业内享有很高的声誉。
公司注册的“金梅牌”、“JCOF”牌、“苏粮”牌商标享誉海内外,“金梅牌”商标连续多年被评为 江苏省著名商标,产品远销欧美、日本、东南亚、中东、非洲和港澳等地,倍受消费者的青睐。
公司通过了 ISO9001质量体系标准认证,IS014000环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18000职业安全健康 管理体系认证。现为江苏省农产品进岀口协会会长单位、中国食品土畜进岀口商会常务理事单位,农 业产业化国家重点龙头企业。2011年被江苏省人民政府及省科技厅、国资委、总工会、工商联先后授 予江苏省企业创新先进单位和创新型企业称号。