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麻辣小龍蝦拌麺/Spicy Crawfish Noodle

【配料】:麺品配料:純淨水、小麥粉、穀朊粉、食用鹽、醋酸酯澱粉、碳酸鈉、面皮改良劑(瓜爾膠、黃原膠、卡拉膠、褐藻酸鈉、醋酸酯澱粉、魔芋粉) 醬品配料:純淨水、大豆油、辣椒油、豆瓣醬、黃油(淡奶油(稀奶油)、奶油)、瑤柱、洋蔥、香蔥、生薑、大蒜子、辣椒、食用鹽、白砂糖、滷味膏調味料、高粱酒、香辛料、辣椒紅、乙醯化雙澱粉己二酸酯、食品用香精 菜品配料:龍蝦仁、西芹、毛豆、胡蘿蔔、玉米

【赏味期限】 ​  :见喷码

【保质期】        :24个月


【贮存条件】 ​  :-18℃以下冷冻保存

【建议食用方法】  :①微波加热:将本品放入家用微波炉(1000W)高火加 热7分30秒,取出撕开盖膜搅拌均匀,即可享用美食。

【Noodle Ingredients】: Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Acetate Starch, Sodium Carbonate, Improver (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan, Sodium Alginate, Acetate Starch, Konjac Powder)

【Sauce Ingredients】:Water, Soybean oil, Chili oil, Bean paste, Butter (Cream, Butter), Conpoy, Onion, Chive, Ginger, Garlic, Chili, Salt, Sugar, Seasoning, Sorghum wine, Spices, Capsicum red, Acetylated Distarch Phosphate, Flavoring

【Dish Ingredients】: Crayfish, Celery, Soybean, Carrot, Corn Allergen Information: This product contains Wheat, Crayfish, Soybean, Dairy, Oysters Use by & STORAGE: Keep frozen, store at below -18℃ for 24 months.

Cooking Instructions:   Microwave : Place this product in a microwave (base on 1000W) and microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes and 30 seconds. peel off film completely , stir well and serve.

日式浓汤鱼饼拉面/Japanese-style Fish cake Noodle Soup 550g

【配料】  :面品配料:小麦粉、纯净水、谷朊粉、食用盐、醋酸 酯淀粉、碳酸钠、复配增稠剂(瓜尔胶、黄原胶、卡 拉胶、褐藻酸钠、醋酸酯淀粉、魔芋粉) 汤品配料:纯净水、鱼汁调味料、西芹、木耳、大豆 油、芝麻油、白芝麻 鱼饼配料:鲜鱼肉、纯净水、土豆淀粉、植物油、 鸡汁调味料、葱、姜、食用盐、白胡椒粉

【过敏原信息】    :本产品含有小麦制品、大豆制品、鱼制品

【保质期】        :24个月

【贮存条件】 ​  :-18℃以下冷冻保存

【建议食用方法】  :①微波加热:将本品放入家用微波炉(1000W)高火加 热7分30秒,取出撕开盖膜搅拌均匀,即可享用美食。                    ②烧煮加热:平底锅里加入2勺水(约50ml)煮沸。煮 沸后撕开产品盖膜,将产品放入锅中,小火先将汤汁完 全融化开,中火烧煮(搅拌面块使其受热均匀),待面 块完全散开鱼饼煮透后即可享用美食

Ingredients:  Noodle Ingredients: Wheat flour, Water, Gluten flour, Salt, Acetate starch, Sodium carbonate, Composite thickener (Guar gum, Xanthan gum, Carrageenan, Sodium alginate, Acetate starch, Konjac flour) Soup Ingredients: Water, Fish sauce seasoning, Celery, Agaric, Soybean oil, Sesame oil, White sesame Fish Cake Ingredients: Fish, Water, Potato starch, Vegetable oil, Chicken Flavour Seasonings, Scallion, Ginger, Salt, White pepper Allergy Advice: Contains wheat, soybean and fish products Best Before :  Use by & STORAGE: Keep frozen, store at below -18℃ for 24 months.

Cooking Instructions:     1 Microwave : Place this product in a microwave (base on 1000W) and microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes and 30 seconds. peel off film completely , stir well and serve. 2 Cooking: Add 2 spoons of water (about 50ml) to a pot and heat to boil. Peel off the film and place the product in the pot. Melt the soup completely over low heat, then cook over medium heat (stir the noodle until evenly heated). Once the noodle is completely dispersed and the fish cake is cooked, it’s ready to serve. 


Japanese-style dumplings Soup dw450g

【配料】 :水饺配料:草鱼、面粉、韭菜、纯净水、莲藕、大豆油、食 用盐、白砂糖、鸡汁调味料、香葱、生姜、白胡椒粉 汤品配料:纯净水、草鱼(鱼肉、鱼骨)、植物油、食用 盐、鸡汁调味料、香葱、生姜、高粱酒、白胡椒粉

【过敏原信息】    :本产品含有小麦制品、大豆制品、鱼制品

【保质期】        :24个月

【贮存条件】 ​  :-18℃以下冷冻保存

【建议食用方法】  :①微波加热:将本品放入家用微波炉(1000W)高火加 热7分30秒,取出撕开盖膜搅拌均匀,即可享用美食。


Name: Japanese-style dumplings Soup Net Weight: 450g

Ingredients:  Dumpling Ingredients: Grass carp, Wheat flour, Leek, Water, Lotus root, Soybean oil, Salt, Sugar, Chicken sauce seasoning, Shallot, Ginger, White pepper powder Soup Ingredients: Water, Grass carp (Fish meat, Fish bones), Vegetable oil, Salt, Chicken sauce seasoning, Shallot, Ginger, Sorghum wine, White pepper powder Allergy Advice: Contains wheat, soybean and fish products

Best Before :  Use by & STORAGE: Keep frozen, store at below -18℃ for 24 months. Cooking Instructions:  (Microwave: Based on 1000W microwave)                   Microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes and 30 seconds, remove from microwave and peel film off completely and serve. 


Japanese-style Black Pepper Fish Cake Fried Rice

【配料】          :米饭配料:大米、纯净水、黑椒调味酱、洋葱、辣椒、 大豆油、胡萝卜、玉米 鱼饼配料:鲜鱼肉、纯净水、土豆淀粉、植物油、 鸡汁调味料、葱、姜、食用盐、白胡椒粉

【过敏原信息】    :本产品含有大豆制品、鱼制品

【保质期】        :24个月 【贮存条件】 ​  :-18℃以下冷冻保存

【建议食用方法】  :①微波加热:将本品放入家用微波炉(1000W)高火加 热3分30秒,取出撕开盖膜搅拌均匀,即可享用美食。


Name: Japanese-style Black Pepper Fish Cake Fried Rice Net Weight: 400g

Ingredients:  Fried Rice Ingredients: Rice, Water, Black pepper seasoning sauce, Onion, Chillies, Soybean oil, Carrots, Corn Fish Cake Ingredients: Fish, Water, Potato starch, Vegetable oil, Chicken Flavour Seasonings, Scallion, Ginger, Salt, White pepper  Allergy Advice: Contains soybean and fish products Best Before :  Use by & STORAGE: Keep frozen, store at below -18℃ for 24 months.

2023/9/22Cooking Instructions:  (Microwave: Based on 1000W microwave)                  Microwave on HIGH for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, remove from microwave and peel film off completely and serve. 


Fried Fish & Vegetables Noodle Soup

【配料】: 麺品配料: 純淨水、小麥粉、穀朊粉、食用鹽、醋酸酯澱粉、碳酸鈉、面皮改良劑(瓜爾膠、黃原膠、卡拉膠、 褐藻酸鈉、醋酸酯澱粉、魔芋粉)


菜品配料: 草魚、雪菜、純淨水、植物油、大蒜、白砂糖、食用鹽、黃酒、香辛料、辣椒、釀造醬油、生薑、香 蔥、黃豆

【Noodle Ingredients】: Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Acetate Starch, Sodium Carbonate, Improver (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan, Sodium Alginate, Acetate Starch, Konjac Powder)

【Soup Ingredients】:Water, Snakeheaded fish, Salt, Soybeans, Ginger, Chive, Vegetable oil, Spices

【Dish Ingredients】: Grass carp, Pickles, Water, Vegetable oil, Garlic, Sugar, Salt, Yellow rice wine, Spices, Chili, Soy sauce, Ginger, Chive, Soya bean


Allergen Information: This product contains Wheat, Soybean, Fish


Simmer Baked Bran Noodle Soup

【配料】: 麺品配料: 純淨水、小麥粉、穀朊粉、食用鹽、醋酸酯澱粉、碳酸鈉、面皮改良劑(瓜爾膠、黃原膠、卡拉膠、 褐藻酸鈉、醋酸酯澱粉、魔芋粉)


菜品配料: 烤麩、黃豆芽、筍尖、黃花菜、木耳、菜籽油、芝麻油、生薑、食用鹽、白砂糖、釀造醬油、釀造食 醋、香辛料

【Noodle Ingredients】: Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Acetate Starch, Sodium Carbonate, Improver (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan, Sodium Alginate, Acetate Starch, Konjac Powder)

【Sauce Ingredients】:Water, sSoybean sprouts, Chinese cabbage, Celery, Mushrooms, Bamboo shoot, Ginger, Soy sauce, Vegetarian oyster sauce, Salt, Sugar

【Dish Ingredients】: Roasted bran, Soybean sprouts, Bamboo shoot tips, Day lily, Fungus, Rapeseed oil, Sesame oil, Ginger, Salt, Sugar, Soy sauce, Vinegar, Spices


Allergen Information: This product contains Wheat, Soybean, Sesame


Shrimp in Scallions Oil Noodle

【配料】: 麺品配料: 小麥粉、純淨水、穀朊粉、食用鹽、醋酸酯澱粉、碳酸鈉、麺皮改良劑(瓜爾膠、黃原膠、卡拉膠、 褐藻酸鈉、醋酸酯澱粉、魔芋粉)

醬品配料:純淨水、釀造醬油、大豆油、花生醬、食用鹽、生薑、大蔥、香蔥、瑤柱、黃豆、乙醯化雙澱粉己二 酸酯、香辛料


【Noodle Ingredients】: Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Acetate Starch, Sodium Carbonate, Improver (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan, Sodium Alginate, Acetate Starch, Konjac Powder)

【Sauce Ingredients】:Water, Soy sauce, Soybean oil, Peanut sauce, Salt, Ginger, Scallion, Chive, Conpoy, Soya bean, Acetylated Distarch Phosphate, Spices

【Dish Ingredients】: Shrimps, Celery, Soybeans, Carrot, Chive, Corn, Soybean oil, Dried shrimps, Salt, Cornstarch, Sorghum wine 【過敏原資訊】:本品含有小麥製品、蝦、大豆製品、蠔製品

Allergen Information: This product contains Wheat, Shrimp, Soybean, Oysters


Seafood & Vegetable Noodle Soup

【配料】: 麺品配料: 小麥粉、純淨水、穀朊粉、食用鹽、醋酸酯澱粉、碳酸鈉、麺皮改良劑(瓜爾膠、黃原膠、卡拉膠、 褐藻酸鈉、醋酸酯澱粉、魔芋粉)

上湯配料: 純淨水、黑魚、大豆油、洋蔥、菜籽油、大蒜、香蔥、大地魚粉、生薑、白胡椒粉、食用鹽、乙醯化 雙澱粉己二酸酯、黃酒、高粱酒、香菜


【Noodle Ingredients】: Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Acetate Starch, Sodium Carbonate, Improver (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan, Sodium Alginate, Acetate Starch, Konjac Powder)

【Soup Ingredients】: Water, Snakeheaded Fish, Soybean Oil, Onion, Rapeseed Oil, Garlic, Chive, Flatfish Powder, Ginger, White Pepper Powder, Salt, Acetylated Distarch Phosphate, Yellow Rrice Wine, Sorghum Liquor, Coriander

【Dish Ingredients】: Clam, Shredded, Shrimps, Carrot, Corn, Pea, Salt, Sorghum Liquor, Soybean oil, Sodium carbonate, White pepper powder


Allergen Information: This product contains Wheat, Fish, Soybean, Clam, Shredded, Shrimps


YangZhou Fried Rice

【配料】:大米 Rice 、純淨水 Water 、全蛋液 Egg 、大豆油 Soybean oil 、胡蘿蔔 Carrot 、香菇 Mushroom 、黃瓜 Cucumber 、豌 豆 Pea 、洋蔥 Onion 、香蔥 Chive、土豆 Potato 、大蒜 Garlic 、生薑 Ginger 、蝦幹 Dried shrimp 、食用鹽 Salt 、白砂糖 Sugar 、谷氨酸鈉 Monosodium glutamate、香辛料 Spices


Shrimp Fried Rice

【配料】:大米 Rice 、純淨水 Water 、蝦仁 Shrimp 、全蛋液 Egg 、大豆油 Soybean oil 、胡蘿蔔 Carrot 、豌豆 Pea 、黃瓜 Cucumber 、 香蔥 Chive 、洋蔥 Onion、大蒜 Garlic 、土豆 Potato 、生薑 Ginger 、釀造醬油 Soy sauce 、蝦幹 Dried shrimp 、食用鹽 Salt、白砂糖 Sugar 、谷氨酸鈉 Monosodium glutamate、碳酸鈉 Sodium carbonate 、香辛料 Spices

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