“金梅”牌清水油面筋 为正宗清水油面筋。 本产品区别于市面常见的油面筋,我们的清水油面筋是将淀粉全部洗尽,只留下面筋,蛋白含量大于50%,其个头圆润饱满、表面色泽金黄、内部呈蜂窝状、劲道不易碎、闻有油香。 本产品采用铝箔袋包装,可有效隔绝日照和氧化,且袋内充氮气,惰性气体可延缓产品氧化变质,内外结合,有效延长产品保质期,保持产品原有的品质。
GOLD PLUM BRAND FRIED GLUTEN BALL Gold Plum brand Fried Gluten Ball who enjoys the authentic origin, is made in Wuxi Jiangsu province. The Fried Gluten Ball is different from the common ones in the market as its starch is all washed with only gluten left and its protein content is more than 50%. It looks round and full. The surface color is golden while the interior is honeycomb, not fragile, and can sustain long chewing. It enjoys strong aroma of fresh oil. The product is packaged in aluminum foil bags, which can avoid the sunshine and prevent oxidation. The bag is filled with nitrogen gas which can delay the product deterioration. These two methods of internal and external combination effectively extend the shelf life of products to maintain the original quality of products,
100GX 12BAGS